Thursday, June 26, 2008

lucha vavoom

11 Things: Lucha VaVoom

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Lucha VaVoom is sex and violence, striptease and wrestling, fun and funny. Lucha VaVoom producer and striptease dancer Ursulina (Rita D'Albert) has played with the Pandoras, performed with Andy Prieboy and appeared in the Queens of the Stone Age video "No One Knows." We caught up with Ursulina this past week and asked her to tell us 11 Things about the "Voom" in Lucha VaVoom:

1. The Lucha VaVoom luchadores: "If you've never seen Mexican masked wrestling, you don't know what you're missing. The wrestlers exhibit comic-book heroism, comedic timing and amazing ability."

2. The striptease dancers: "Lucha VaVoom searches the corners of the earth for uniquely talented performers that usually possess a special skill, such as contortion, hula hooping or even stripping from a pogo stick. They also must rock, and not in an ironic way."

3. The comic comedy: "It was once suggested that we should think about Dane Cook. We politely declined. Past comedians who have graced our stage include many of my idols: Patton Oswalt, Joel Hodgson ("MST3K"), Fred Armisen, Dana Gould and Tom Kenny ("SpongeBob SquarePants") among them."

4. The crowded crowds: "They really know how to let their hair down and have an amazing time."

5. The cinematic cinema: "A good way into the world of lucha libre is through its rich film history. Santo and Blue Demon et al. made hundreds of films. If you loved the 'Batman' series, you'll really love 'Blue Demon Contra los Cerebros Infernales.' "

6. The sassy brassiness: "We're not embarrassed by our brassiness; we embrace it!"

7. The legendary legends: "We've been lucky enough to include Mil Mascaras, Blue Demon Jr., Hijo del Santo, Mistico, Dr. Wagner, Felino, Tinieablas, La Parka, Blue Panther and so many more I've lost track. When you are standing next to Blue Demon Jr. and he's in his mask and short-sleeved turtleneck, it's actually overwhelming."

8. The musical music: "Our DJ, Senor Amor, never fails to delight me as well as the audience. He digs deep to find the rare stuff from south of the border. My favorites are the Mexican garage versions of 'Mother's Little Helper' and 'Hello, I Love You.' "

9. The nightclub night: "This incredible hodgepodge of elements comes together to make the kind of nightclub night that Lucy would have bugged Ricky to take her to. It's nice to break out your best duds and be around other people dressed to the nines, or, if you're more comfortable, you can wear your most glamorous big-boy shorts."

10. The tequila tequila: "Start training early - we don't want to clean up any more messes."

11. The happening happening: Lucha VaVoom happens at 8 p.m. Sun. $27.50 (ages 21 and older). The Fillmore, 1805 Geary Blvd., San Francisco. (415) 346-6000. or

- Tim Sullivan,

This article appeared on page G - 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Thursday, June 19, 2008

speakeasy ales & lagers

11 Things: Speakeasy Ales & Lagers

Thursday, June 19, 2008

1. "Gotta Getaway":

3:33 p.m. Fri.: The first weekend of summer is upon us and it's time to celebrate. Begone, vamoose, skedaddle ... take the Third Street Light Rail to Evans Station.

Gentle reminder: Get off.

2. "Walking Distance":

4 p.m. Fri.: Head east along Evans. Walk five blocks to 1195-A.

Gentle reminder: It's the building with the eyes.

3. "In My Eyes":

4:10 p.m. Fri.: Rejoice! You've made it! Step inside the lobby and stop at the window.

Gentle reminder: Say hi.

4. "The Crowd":

4:20 p.m. Fri.: Sample the Double Daddy with one of the most diverse groups you've ever seen in one place. Young, old, rich, poor, quirky, normal, animals, people, hippies, punks ... everyone's represented here.

Gentle reminder: The Double Daddy will make you friendly.

5. "Memories Can't Wait":

4:37 p.m. Fri.: Sample old favorites like Prohibition Ale and Big Daddy I.P.A. or try the lesser-knowns like White Lightning, Hunter's Point Porter or Bootlegger Black Lager.

Gentle reminder: Don't double down on one particular beer, lest you become double-down and out.

6. "Neat Neat Neat":

5 p.m. Fri.: Thank head brewer Kevin Robinson profusely.

Gentle reminder: Later apologize profusely for thanking him profusely. It was the beer.

7. "The Unheard Music":

5:15 p.m. Fri.: Pick a Friday when live music is happening.

Gentle reminder: The 11th Anniversary Party is coming soon.

8. "Allison":

5:55 p.m. Fri.: If you're taking notes for 96 Hours, realize by now you have: a) lost them b) written them illegibly or c) completely failed to start taking them.

Gentle reminder: Have consigliere Allison send you a brief e-mail on Monday.

9. "Have a Beer with Fear":

6:15 p.m. Fri.: Ales are top-fermented. Lagers are bottom-fermented.

Gentle reminder: Your brain is both.

10. "Take Warning":

7 p.m. Fri.: When leaving, cross the street and wait for the 19 or 44 bus heading west. The 19 gets you to most of the eastern side of the city. The 44 to most of the western side.

Gentle reminder: Taxi numbers are also available near the exit.

11. "Look Back and Laugh":

11 a.m. Sat.: Wake up in the Speakeasy T-shirt you don't remember buying.

Gentle reminder: Drink (a gallon of) water.

Speakeasy Open Houses take place 4-8 p.m. Friday. Call the main line to leave a tour request via voice mail. Speakeasy Ales & Lagers, 1195-A Evans Ave. (415) 642-3371.

- Tim Sullivan,

This article appeared on page G - 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Thursday, June 12, 2008

war, inc.

11 Things: 'War, Inc.'

Thursday, June 12, 2008

"War, Inc." is a farce, much like war itself. In an effort to peek behind the film's curtain, we caught up with two of the writers via phone - John Cusack in London and Mark Leyner in New York. One was serious, the other satirical. The differing identities summed the film up nicely. "War, Inc." opens Friday at various Bay Area Landmark theaters.

1. Can you tell me one true thing?

John: "Bo Diddley Is a Gunslinger."
Mark: "I should get a prize for writing the scene where Hilary Duff puts a scorpion down her pants."
Tim: I miss Hunter S. Thompson.

2. How'd you meet?

John: "New York ... over jalapeƱo drinks."
Mark: Johnny contacted me and said he liked "Et Tu Babe."
Tim: Cusack owed me "two dollars!" Leyner was "My Cousin, My Gastroenterologist."

3. What's become of protesting?

John: "Exactly."
Mark: "No draft."
Tim: Excellent question.

4. Will Obama end the war?

John: "I would hope so."
Mark: "I'm not an enormous supporter of politicians."
Tim: Define end.

5. "Brazil," "Catch-22" or "Dr. Strangelove"?

John: "Dr. Strangelove."
Mark: "Japanese lesbian pornography."
Tim: All of the above.

6. Satire is the only response to the last five years - agree or disagree?

John: "Disagree."
Mark: "Agree somewhat, but the film is about more than Iraq."
Tim: Screaming also helps.

7. What sort of cultural graffiti do you and Robbie Conal have planned?

John: "A painting of one of the movie's characters ... I can tell you that much."
Mark: "I try to stay away from marketing and advertising concerns."
Tim: Aqua Teen Banksy Force.

8. Any plans to expand?

John: "We're getting the word out ..."
Mark: "I'd like to force everyone to watch it, like they do in North Korea."
Tim: I'd like to suggest Houston.

9. Why such a limited release?

John: "We assumed the big corporate companies wouldn't back it."
Mark: "See No. 8."
Tim: See or

10. How does one cover absurd topics without seeming a bit absurd?

John: "Hey, if it makes you think more."
Mark: "Protean, tawdry, poignant."
Tim: That's absurd.

11. Any future political projects?

John: "If this is successful, then yes."
Mark: "If the Valley secedes from L.A., Johnny and I will start a junta."
Tim: Meet Leyner for drinks in New York.

- Tim Sullivan,

This article appeared on page G - 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Thursday, June 05, 2008

dengue fever

11 THINGS: Dengue Fever

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Dengue Fever is Cambodian songstress Chhom Nimol, guitarist and vocalist Zac Holtzman, Zac's brother and Farfisa organist Ethan Holtzman, bass guitarist Senon Williams, brass player David Ralicke and drummer Paul Smith. We caught up with the band somewhere between here and Europe, where it just finished performing at two festivals in two countries over two days. We've always known we love Nimol, Zac's beard and the band's unique brand of psychedelic Cambodian dance pop, but we hadn't always known the following:

1. The quirkiness: "After the fall rains, Ethan forages through Golden Gate Park in search of the King Bolete mushroom. He often goes in the dark with a flashlight to uproot them before the kind Russian folk snatch them up."

2. The homesickness: "When Chhom Nimol gets homesick and tired of the cold gray weather in San Francisco, we take her to the Tonga Room to enjoy the tropical rain and simulated humidity."

3. The quickness: "Paul Dreux Smith is the best basketball player in the band."

4. The coziness: "Last week in the Netherlands, all six of us were forced to share a tiny hostel room with child size bunk beds. Surprisingly, we all got our best night's sleep of the tour."

5. The illness: "Dengue Fever managed to avoid contracting Dengue Fever while performing before tens of thousands of mosquitoes at the former Tonle Bassac stage in Cambodia."

6. The thickness: "While on tour Zac gets asked at least three times a day: 'How long did it take to grow your beard?' (The answer is a year and a half)."

7. The softness: "Ralicke has the softest dog in the world, named Nickel Jones. Nickel Jones gets jealous and chews up his wetsuit whenever he has a female companion sleep over."

8. The sleeplessness: "Ethan is the best snorer in the band."

9. The hatefulness: "Senon is over 6-foot-6 and despises mayonnaise."

10. The craziness: "Chhom Nimol just got her driver's permit, so look out!"

11. The getting down to business: Dengue Fever performs a free in-store gig at the Berkeley Amoeba Music 2 p.m. Saturday as part of the Berkeley World Music Festival, which goes from noon until 9 p.m. Later in the day they perform at Dawn 2008, the grand re-opening party for the Contemporary Jewish Museum in San Francisco, which begins at 8 p.m. and lasts until dawn. The band goes on at 10:45 p.m.

- Tim Sullivan,

This article appeared on page G - 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle