Thursday, May 15, 2008


11 Things: Twitter

Thursday, May 15, 2008

1. I am pondering an 11 Things column on Twitter right now. I am assuming that everyone knows what Twitter is. I am assuming those that don't won't mind if I continue ...

I am hoping.
I am hesitating.

2. I am sending you the following message: "I am pondering an 11 Things column on Twitter right now. I am assuming those that don't won't ..."

I am anticipating.
I am demonstrating.

3. I am reviewing items 1 and 2. I am pondering the fact that you are currently reading item 3. I am hyper ...

I am texting.
I am hypertexting.

4. I am explaining how Twitter works. I am microblogging. I am watching you roll your eyes. I am rolling my eyes because you are rolling your eyes ...

I am posting.
I am connecting.

5. I am realizing I don't want everyone to know what I'm doing right now. I am realizing I want everyone to know that I don't want everyone to know what I'm doing right now ...

I am confounding.
I am defying.

6. I am swimming in technology. I am noticing that the waves are quite large and the water's quite cold. I am drifting farther out to sea ...

I am waving.
I am drowning.

7. I am turning my stereo way up. I am opening up my windows. I am kicking open my doors ...

I am yelling.
I am screaming.

8. I am typing "I am turning my stereo way up. I am opening up ..."

I am listening.
I am enjoying.

9. "I am I said
To no one there
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair ...

I am
I cried"

10. I am taking a step back and reading items 1 through 9. I am writing. I am rewriting ...

I am rereading.
I am pausing.

11. I am submitting this column to my editor. I am typing, "I am submitting this column to my editor ..."

I am smiling.
I am twittering.

- Tim Sullivan,

This article appeared on page G - 3 of the San Francisco Chronicle


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