Thursday, March 08, 2007

daylight saving (mnemonics)

11 Things: Daylight Saving (Mnemonics)

Tim Sullivan

Thursday, March 8, 2007

1. Don't: "We don't know where we are, or who we are./ We don't know one another; don't know You;/ Don't know what time it is./ We don't know, don't we?" -- Robert Frost (knows we don't know).

2. Forget: "Take your time/ Try not to forget/ We never will/ We're just a minor threat." -- (Don't forget) Minor Threat's "Minor Threat."

3. To: "To dream the impossible dream/ to fight the unbeatable foe/ To bear with unbearable sorrow/ To run where the brave dare not go." -- (To get) "The Impossible Dream" in this impossible column.

4. Spring: "Sell the kids for food/ weather changes moods/ Spring is here again/ reproductive glands." -- Nirvana's "In Bloom" ("Nevermind").

5. Your: "Hidin' from your brothers/ underneath the covers/ come on hide your lovers/ underneath the covers." -- Arcade Fire's "Rebellion (Lies)" ("Funeral").

6. Clocks: "Clocks go slow in a place of work/ Minutes drag and the hours jerk." -- The Clash's "The Magnificent Seven" ("Sandinista").

7. Forward: "By putting forward the hands of the clock you shall not advance the hour." -- Victor Hugo (is a paradox).

8. One: "One way, or another, I'm gonna lose ya;/ I'm gonna give you the slip!" -- Blondie's "One Way or Another" ("Parallel Lines").

9. Hour: "Though nothing can bring back the hour/ Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower." -- William Wordsworth ("Splendour in the Grass").

10. This: "Home -- is where I want to be/ But I guess I'm already there/ I come home -- she lifted up her wings/ Guess that this must be the place." -- Talking Heads' "This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody)" ("Speaking in Tongues").

11. Sunday: "There's no other ending/ Sunday sun/ Yesterday is ending/ Sunday sun." -- Beck's "Sunday Sun" ("Sea Change").


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