Thursday, November 30, 2006

i can't believe

11 THINGS: I Can't Believe

Thursday, November 30, 2006

1. That it's almost December, that it's almost 2007, that it's almost 2008, and that we're all getting older, and older, and older.

2. That some people camp out all night just to go shopping: I'd consider camping out, too, if it meant I never had to go shopping again.

3. That some people believe that politics are not a part of arts and entertainment and culture, when really they're inextricably linked. Politics is anything that involves choice. You can choose to agree or disagree with this assessment. That is politics. See?

4. That traffic in San Francisco moves on a Friday.

5. That we've gone from Dylan and Hendrix to MySpace and My Chemical Romance in just two generations.

6. That we've gone from Cronkite to Hannity & Colmes in even less time.

7. That decent affordable apartments still exist: "Decent" clearly moved out on "affordable" back in the mid-'90s (after months of arguing and plate throwing).

8. That it's not butter.

9. That newspaper stories about dogs and cats appear to be increasing, and that humans aren't slightly more concerned about this.

10. That you don't recognize who sang this song: "No saints, no sinners, no devil as well. No pearly gates, no thorny crown. You're always letting us humans down."

11. That you recognized it, smiled for a bit, and wrote to me.

Tim Sullivan,

Page G - 3


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that there is only 11 things that you can't believe.


11:17 AM  
Blogger timmay!!!!! said...

thing 12: i can't believe my editors don't give me more space ....

11:19 AM  

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