looking into the matter?????
Report: Freed Journalist Injured by U.S.
Friday, March 4, 2005
(03-04) 11:51 PST ROME, Italy (AP) --
A freed Italian hostage was injured and an Italian secret service agent killed Friday after a U.S. armored vehicle fired on a car in which they were riding in Iraq, two Italian news agencies reported.
The Apcom and ANSA news agencies said that Giuliana Sgrena, a reporter for the communist daily Il Manifesto, was in a hospital in Iraq with a shoulder injury. The shooting occurred at a roadblock while the car was heading to the airport, the reports said.
The editor of Il Manifesto, Gabriele Polo, said the secret service agent was killed when he threw himself over the freed hostage to protect her from fire, according to Apcom. He also said Sgrena was in the hospital but was not seriously injured.
The U.S. military press desk in Baghdad had no immediate comment on reports of the shooting and said it was looking into the matter.
Italy's Foreign Ministry said it had no immediate comment. Earlier, the Italian government had confirmed Sgrena's release and said a plane was waiting to bring her back to Rome.
Sgrena, 56, was abducted Feb. 4 by gunmen who blocked her car outside Baghdad University. Last month, she was shown in a video pleading for her life and demanding that all foreign troops — including Italian forces — leave Iraq.
URL: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/n/a/2005/03/04/international/i114436S82.DTL
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